Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hell in a handbasket, a rant from Gavin Kyle.

I’ve never enjoyed the company of people whose approach at life was “who cares?  The earth is going to hell in a hand basket”, but I understand that feeling a lot better after this latest election.


I would like to congratulate Greed, Homophobia, Sexism, Racism, all out Xenophobia, the uncompassionate, Gina Rinehart and Rupert Murdoch’s back pockets, the under educated middle/lower class rednecks who are going to be among those who get shafted the most (but hate asylum seekers, aye),  and last but not least, Tony Abbott.


The fact that this man has been voted Prime minister of this beautiful land says a lot about our terrible judgement of character as a nation, my mum told me never to talk to strangers when I was a child, even as an adult I would do my best to avoid Tony’s strangely deviant gaze, were I to be so unlucky to be in his path walking down the street.


If anyone finds this rant over the top, or finds themselves thinking “chill out you hippy greenie poofter”, then chances are  you are probably too far gone, and should get back to “x factor” or “pimp my grandmother”, and you can chill out while the great guy you voted in signs off on the destruction of large sections of the Great Barrier Reef to make way for ships full of coal, cause lord know your kids would never want to see the reef, Pixar does it better than the real thing anyway, right?


The fact is the cunt is a nut case, straight up, and we have given him the keys to our beloved Australia, drive it like its stolen Tony, Fuckin bag em up!!!


Get rich or die tryin.

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